INFO 10. Learning agreement
YOur Learning Agreement mus be sent to the Erasmus+ Coordinator of your UEx Faculty from 1st December to 30th January (2nd semester students)
Steps to fill in the Learning Agreement: subjects, contents, timetables information.
Deadline for the submission of the Learning Agreement for students arriving in the 2nd semester. From 01th December 2024 to 30th January 2025
Where to send your OLA/ Learning Agreement in PDFPlease send your OLA/ Learning Agreement in PDF exclusively to your Faculty Academic Coordinator at UEx. From 1st December to 30th January (2nd semester students). Do no worry if you need to change any subjct after sending your OLA/ Learning Agreement in PDF. You will have a month after the start of the semester (30/01/2025) to change it. UEx Faculty Academic Coordinator will countersign after your home coordinator’s signature takes place. Negotiations and previous drafts are an exclusive matter of the student and Faculty Academic Coordinator; the International Office will not be involved in the process. Once you are at UEx and for a couple of weeks, you are invited to attend the courses included in your learning agreement and make the changes you consider necessary into your learning agreement. If necessary, a new learning agreement will have to be negotiated and signed before officially enrolling at UEx. If your final learning agreement includes courses in more than one Faculty, please consider your main Host Faculty the one where most of your courses are delivered. Remember your final learning agreement and enrolment must be completed by the end of September (1st semester students) and end of February (2nd semester students). Special language RequirementsStudents nominated for Medicine Faculty (Badajoz campus) Students nominated for Nursing and Occupational Therapy (Cáceres campus) Students nominated for Mérida and Plasencia centres.