Info 3. Arrival to Extremadura.
MADRID-BARAJAS, España (Madrid-Cáceres 300km aprox, Madrid-Badajoz 400km aprox):
SEVILLA,España (Sevilla-Cáceres 270km aprox, Sevilla-Badajoz 220km aprox)
LISBOA, Portugal (Lisboa-Cáceres 300km aprox, Lisboa-Badajoz 230km aprox)
The Badajoz and Cáceres campuses are outside the city, although within walking distance if you wish.
If you prefer to use the city bus:
Bus lines to the Badajoz campus
Bus lines to the Cáceres campus
You will not need a bus on the Mérida and Plasencia campuses because the UEx Centre is in the city centre.
The following UEx faculties are outside the university campus:
Outside the Badajoz campus: School of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Documentation and Communication Sciences.
Outside the Cáceres campus: Faculty of Business, Finance and Tourism.