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El sitio web de la Universidad de Extremadura utiliza cookies propias y de terceros para realizar análisis de uso y medición del tráfico, así como permitir el correcto funcionamiento en redes sociales, y de este modo poder mejorar su experiencia de navegación.

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Programas Intensivos Combinados / Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs)


Convocatoria de solicitud de ayudas para la realización del BIP

Fe de erratas

Formulario de solicitud (realizar primero la inscripción indicando una cuenta de correo electrónico y una contraseña y luego iniciar sesión con esos datos)



Otros documentos de interés:





Programa / Programme:

Universidad dónde se realiza / Host institution:

Fechas / Dates

Sport mental training in Europe Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University (France)

IN-PRESENCE attendance period: 2nd – 6th September 2024

VIRTUAL attendance period: 24th – 25th June 2024

One Health and Sustainability in Wildlife Universidad de Extremadura (Spain)

IN-PRESENCE attendance period: 1st – 5th July 2024

VIRTUAL attendance period: 13th – 26th June 2024

Transversal skills for the internationalization of young researchers through EU projects Universidad de Extremadura (Spain)


IN-PRESENCE attendance period: 1st – 5th July 2024

VIRTUAL attendance period: 2nd May – 30th May 2024

Engaging Music Technology

Universidad de Extremadura (Spain) / Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (Portugal)

IN-PRESENCE attendance period: 16th – 20th September 2024

VIRTUAL attendance period: 2nd – 15th September 2024

Heritage education and digital humanities

Universidad de Extremadura (Spain)

IN-PRESENCE attendance period: 8th – 12th July 2024

VIRTUAL attendance period: 10th June – 21st June 2024

BIP statistics for management

Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (Poland)

IN-PRESENCE attendance period: 17th – 21st June 2024

VIRTUAL attendance period: 29th May – 28th June 2024

Food Sustainability (+info)



Universitá di Parma (Italy) – EU GREEN European Alliance

VIRTUAL attendance period: 20th June to 15th July 2024

IN-PRESENCE attendance period: 8th to 12th July 2024

Artificial Intelligence in Health and Sport University of Parma (Italy)

VIRTUAL attendance period: from 24th June to 12th July, 2024

IN-PRESENCE period: from 17th to 21th June, 2024

Ecological restoration for ecosystem sustainability University of Evora (Portugal)

1st VIRTUAL attendance period: from 17th to 28th  June, 2024 / 2nd VIRTUAL attendance period: from 1st to 5th July, 2024 / 3rd VIRTUAL attendance period: 20th September, 2024

IN-PRESENCE period: from 2nd to 6th September, 2024

Introduction to Mathematical and Computational Modelling for Sustainability University of Oradea (Romania)

VIRTUAL attendance period: from 6th May to 21st June, 2024

IN-PRESENCE period: from 24th to 28th June, 2024

Sustainability Learning in new Formats: Micro-Credentials as a powerful tool for curriculum design University of Gälve (Sweden)

VIRTUAL attendance period: from 6th May to 25th June, 2024

IN-PRESENCE period: from 3rd to 8th June, 2024

Living, Inquiring and Knowing: a hub of outdoor practices for sustainability University of Evora (Portugal)

1st VIRTUAL attendance period: from 26th to 29th  September, 2024 / 2nd VIRTUAL attendance period: from 10th to 31st October, 2024

IN-PRESENCE period: from 30th September to 5th October, 2024

Sustainability Learning in new Formats: Micro-Credentials as a powerful tool for curriculum design Atlantic Technological University (Ireland)

VIRTUAL attendance period: from September to December, 2024

IN-PRESENCE period: from 23rd to 27th September, 2024